Tuesday, September 1, 2020

The Main Thing

Impact Multiplied is a ministry multiplication network designed to help every form of ministry prevail by focusing on the one job Christ gave us to do...make disciples.

What is a disciple?

How do I lead people to connect with God every day?

What happens when people live by the truths and promises of God's Word?

How does the Holy Spirit lead a person and what does He want them to do?

How can we make sure everyone in our ministry is functioning with support and encouragement?

Can we really see Ephesians 3:20 happen in our ministries?

The answer to all these questions is a resounding "YES!" But...

Barriers must be assessed and addressed so BREAKTHROUGH can happen. That's what impactXnetwork is about.

We make disciples and plant new churches.

We make disciples and revitalize dying congregations.

We coach disciple-making leaders for maximum impact.